SOE Welcomes the 5th Cohort of MPhil ELM programme and 2nd Cohort of Executive MPhil ELM programme
On September 1, 2022, LUMS Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali School of Education welcomed the fifth cohort for its flagship programme MPhil Education Leadership and Management. The incoming class comprises of students with varied academic and professional backgrounds. Dr. Faisal Bari, Dean School of Education, while welcoming the students and reminding them about the clause for education in the Constitution said: “The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children under 16 years – as it is both; a right and an obligation, and a promise we are not living up to!”.
Following this, on 2nd September, 2022, the school welcomed the second cohort of the Executive MPhil ELM programme. With the pledge to enable the working professionals to continue their journey of learning, the school achieved a milestone by inducting the second cohort of the Executive programme. Syed Babar Ali, while talking to the students said: “You will be guardians of what happens to coming generations. Education is not only about reading and writing. It’s about thinking and communicating too. Learning is a lifelong commitment. There is no limit to learning”.
The students were excited to embark on this new journey of learning and navigate their way through new avenues in the education sector.